Pranay Jagtap
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Hi there!
I'm an Electrical Engineer turned Machine
Learning Enthusiast. Here, you'll find my journey through code, from ML projects to apps. Dive into my ML
projects and ML notebooks as I explore machine learning and power up the future with ML!
- 📁 Explore my ML portfolio here.
- 🚀 Built Indian foreign exchange reserves predictor and 0-5 hand sign classifier streamlit app.
- 🚀 Built a DC-DC converter calculator with Flutter.
- 🔭 Recently working on Bert Sentiment Analysis model trained on custom dataset.
- 🌱 Currently exploring NLP.
- 🤝 Open for collaboration on building a new, COMPLETELY FREE & OPEN SOURCE note-taking app for all platforms.
- 🤔 Looking for help with Bert sentiment analysis model.
- 💬 Ask me about machine learning.
- 📫 How to reach me: Contact | Pranay Jagtap.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him.